%I EDP Sciences %R 10.1051/matecconf/20163801012 %V 38 %J MATEC Web of Conferences %T Experimental investigation of the effect vertical oscillation on the heat transfer coefficient of the finned tube %X The aim of this work is to investigate experimentally the effect of the forced vibrations on the free convection heat transfer coefficient using heated longitudinally finned cylinder made of Aluminium. The effect of the vibration frequency ranged from 2 to16 Hz with various heat fluxes ranged from 500-1500 W/m2. It was found that, the relation between the heat transfer coefficient and amplitude of vibration increased for all inclination angles from (0°-45°), while the increment of inclination angle decreases the values of convection heat transfer coefficient. The results show that the heat transfer coefficient ratio (hv/ho) of longitudinal finned cylinders in (0o) angle was (8) and (30) greater than those for the (30°) and (45°) respectively. © Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2016. %O cited By 2; Conference of UTP-UMP Symposium on Energy Systems 2015, SES 2015 ; Conference Date: 7 October 2015; Conference Code:121434 %L scholars7249 %K Cylinders (shapes); Heat convection; Heat transfer coefficients; Oscillating flow; Thermoacoustics, Experimental investigations; Finned cylinder; Finned tube; Forced vibration; Heat transfer coefficient ratios; Inclination angles; Vertical oscillations; Vibration frequency, Heat transfer %D 2016 %A S.K. Kadhim %A M.S. Nasif