%X The author is concerned with the education available for the Orang Asli, an indigenous minority community in Malaysia. Literature written about Orang Asli and education mostly assumes a deficit perspective where the lack of educational achievement among the Orang Asli children is often attributed to their culture and community. Therefore, rather than taking a perspective that Orang Asli students perform poorly in schools because of their own personal failure attributed to their culture and community, the author explores and analyses schooling experiences of the Orang Asli children to investigate the roles and responsibilities of schools to provide the necessary support for successful educational outcomes for these children. © 2016 Taylor & Francis. %L scholars7046 %V 109 %D 2016 %N 3 %J Journal of Educational Research %A S. Renganathan %T Educating the Orang Asli children: Exploring indigenous children's practices and experiences in schools %R 10.1080/00220671.2014.945150 %I Routledge %P 275-285 %O cited By 10