%K Carbon fiber reinforcement; Carbon fibre interceram 58 (2009) 5; CNT; Electrical property; Epoxy; Epoxy matrices; Interfacial characteristics; matrix; Recent progress; Reinforced polymers; Thermal properties, Carbon fibers; Carbon nanofibers; Carbon nanotubes; Electric properties; Mechanical properties; Nanocomposites; Reinforced plastics; Thermodynamic properties, Polymer matrix composites %O cited By 0 %P 280-286 %L scholars704 %D 2009 %V 58 %X The outstanding mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of carbon nanotubes have drawn the attention of many researchers towards the development of CNT reinforced polymer matrix nanocomposites. CNT/epoxy nanocomposite is one of the most promising members in this group. It has been found that CNTs can enhance the properties of such nanocomposites to a much greater extent than conventional glass, aramid or carbon fiber reinforcements. However, there are also some limitations in the fabrication of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites due to poor dispersion, adhesion and/or alignment of the nanotubes in the matrix, and thus less favourable interfacial characteristics. Many works have been done in order to minimize these problems and to facilitate the full utilization of CNTs in epoxy matrix nanocomposites. This paper systematically reviews the recent progresses in the fabrication, properties and performance of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites that have been achieved by several researchers, focusing on the three main property types, namely mechanical, thermal and electrical properties. %N 5 %A S. Sarkar %A S. Maitra %T Properties of carbon nanotube/epoxy nanocomposites: A review, part 2 %J InterCeram: International Ceramic Review