%I Elsevier Ltd %P 230-238 %O cited By 53 %K Adsorption; Atmospheric temperature; Carbon dioxide; Ethanolamines; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Mesoporous materials; Silicon; Tea; Triethanolamine, Adsorption capacities; Adsorption process; Adsorption studies; Adsorption temperature; Amine functionalization; Monoethanolamine; Three temperature; Transmission peaks, Silicon compounds, adsorption; carbamate (ester); carbon dioxide; low pressure; organic nitrogen compound; temperature %J International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control %A S. Ahmed %A A. Ramli %A S. Yusup %T CO2 adsorption study on primary, secondary and tertiary amine functionalized Si-MCM-41 %R 10.1016/j.ijggc.2016.05.021 %X The present study was conducted to investigate the CO2 adsorption efficiency of siliceous mesoporous material known Si-MCM-41 and impacts of amine loading, amine type, CO2 pressure and adsorption temperatures on CO2 adsorption. Si-MCM-41 was impregnated with monoethanolamine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA) and triethanolamine (TEA). The adsorption study was investigated from very low pressure to 1 bar at three temperatures (i.e. 25, 50 and 75 °C) in pure CO2 atmosphere. Pristine Si-MCM-41 shows maximum CO2 adsorption capacity of 27.78 mg/g at 25 °C and 1 bar pressure. Monoethanolamine functionalized Si-MCM-41 with 10�50 wt. samples were investigated in order to optimize MEA loading for maximum CO2 adsorption. The 50 wt. MEA-Si-MCM-41 sample exhibited the highest CO2 adsorption capacity of 39.26 mg/g at 25 °C and 1 bar pressure as compared to other samples. 50 wt. DEA-Si-MCM-41 and 50 wt. TEA-Si-MCM-41 samples were also investigated for their affinity to capture CO2 at the same conditions. Results show that 50 wt. MEA-Si-MCM-41 still gives the highest CO2 adsorption capacity while adsorption capacity decreased in order of monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethanolamine-functionalized Si-MCM-41. CO2 adsorption capacity of all adsorbents decreases with increasing adsorption temperature above 25 °C. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis of CO2-saturated 50 wt. MEA, DEA and TEA-Si-MCM-41 samples shows the presence of transmission peaks associated to formation of carbamates. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd %L scholars6889 %V 51 %D 2016