%A P. Ahmad %A M.U. Khandaker %A Y.M. Amin %A N. Muhammad %A G. Khan %A A.S. Khan %A A. Numan %A M.A. Rehman %A S.M. Ahmed %A A. Khan %D 2016 %N 13 %O cited By 10 %X Several advantageous features like low density, large surface area, high porosity and tight pore size make the nanofiber suitable for a wide range of applications from medical to consumer products and industrial to high-tech applications. Present study concerns the synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride fibers (�=70�350 nm) from a mixture of Boron, Magnesium oxide and Iron oxide powders via a simple CVD technique. A relatively long annealing and growth duration of two hours at 500 °C and 1000 °C, respectively were utilized in this synthesis. The synthesized samples seem to have the BNFs of irregular curved human hair-like morphologies in lower resolution and solid cylinder-like structures in high resolution transmission electron microscopy. The presence of Boron and Nitrogen in the synthesized BNF's sample were confirmed via the B 1s peak at 190.7 eV and N 1s peak at 398.3 eV in the XPS survey whereas a major peak at 1370 (cm�1) in the Raman spectrum corresponds to the vibration of E2g mode in h-BN. The sharp peaks in the XRD pattern verify the h-BN phase and highly crystalline nature of the synthesized BNFs. © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. %K Annealing; Boron nitride; Consumer products; Cylinders (shapes); Etching; Nitrides; Pore size; Synthesis (chemical), BNFs; Crystalline nature; Hexagonal boron nitride; High porosity; High-tech applications; Large surface area; Lower resolution; Solid cylinders, High resolution transmission electron microscopy %L scholars6809 %R 10.1016/j.ceramint.2016.06.089 %V 42 %T Synthesis of hexagonal boron nitride fibers within two hour annealing at 500 °C and two hour growth duration at 1000 °C %J Ceramics International %I Elsevier Ltd %P 14661-14666