%T A comparative study of iterative methods for solving first kind Fredholm integral equations with the semi-smooth kernel %A M.S. Muthuvalu %A E. Aruchunan %A M.K.M. Ali %A J. Sulaiman %J 2015 International Symposium on Mathematical Sciences and Computing Research, iSMSC 2015 - Proceedings %R 10.1109/ISMSC.2015.7594101 %X The main aim of this paper is to investigate the performance of two iterative methods i.e. Gauss-Seidel (GS) and 2-Point Explicit Group (2-EG) in solving dense linear system associated with the numerical solution of first kind linear Fredholm integral equations. The formulation and implementation of the both methods are presented. In addition, some numerical results are also included to verify the effectiveness of the tested methods. © 2015 IEEE. %L scholars6743 %D 2016 %I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. %P 477-480 %O cited By 0; Conference of 2015 International Symposium on Mathematical Sciences and Computing Research, iSMSC 2015 ; Conference Date: 19 May 2015 Through 20 May 2015; Conference Code:124374 %K Integral equations; Linear systems; Numerical methods, Comparative studies; Explicit Group; Fredholm integral equations; Gauss-Seidel; Numerical results; Numerical solution; Performance analysis, Iterative methods