%D 2009 %A T.C.S. Wibowo %A N. Saad %A M.N. Karsiti %L scholars649 %K Discrete-time; Dynamic characteristics; Empirical modeling; Gaseous pilot plant; Identification approach; Identification process; Input signal; Interacting process; Linear model; Non-Linearity; Open loops; Operating points; Predictive control; Real-time implementations; Real-time models; State space model; Steady state errors; Sub-space methods; System identifications, Closed loop control systems; Identification (control systems); Pilot plants; Predictive control systems; Real time control, Model predictive control %X This paper presents the empirical modeling of the gaseous pilot plant which is a kind of interacting series process with presence of nonlinearities. In this study, the discrete-time identification approach based on subspace method with N4SID algorithm is applied to construct the state space model around a given operating point, by probing the system in open-loop with variation of input signals. Three practical approaches are used and their performances are compared to obtain the most suitable approach for modeling of such a system. The models are also tested in the real-time implementation of a linear model predictive control. The selected model is able to well reproduce the main dynamic characteristics of gaseous pilot plant in open loop and produces zero steady-state errors in closed loop control system. Several issues concerning the identification process and the construction of MIMO state space model are discussed. © 2009 AACC. %C St. Louis, MO %O cited By 9; Conference of 2009 American Control Conference, ACC 2009 ; Conference Date: 10 June 2009 Through 12 June 2009; Conference Code:78162 %T System identification of an interacting series process for real-time model predictive control %J Proceedings of the American Control Conference %R 10.1109/ACC.2009.5160239 %P 4384-4389