%T Modeling and control of distillation column in a petroleum process %V 2009 %A V.T. Minh %A A.M. Abdul Rani %K Adaptive Control; Adaptive controllers; Boil-up rate; Calculation procedure; Initial design; Linear model; Modeling and control; Modeling and simulation; Modeling simulation; Non-linear model; Process dynamics; Reduced order; Reference models; Reflux rate; Three phasis, Adaptive control systems; Computer simulation; Distillation; Distillation columns; Dynamic analysis, Model reference adaptive control %X This paper introduces a calculation procedure for modeling and control simulation of a condensate distillation column based on the energy balance (L-V) structure. In this control, the reflux rate L and the boilup rate V are used as the inputs to control the outputs of the purity of the distillate overhead and the impurity of the bottom products. The modeling simulation is important for process dynamic analysis and the plant initial design. In this paper, the modeling and simulation are accomplished over three phases: the basic nonlinear model of the plant, the full-order linearised model, and the reduced-order linear model. The reduced-order linear model is then used as the reference model for a model-reference adaptive control (MRAC) system to verify the applicable ability of a conventional adaptive controller for a distillation column dealing with the disturbance and the model-plant mismatch as the influence of the plant feed disturbances. Copyright © 2009 V. T. Minh and A. M. Abdul Rani. %O cited By 19 %L scholars632 %J Mathematical Problems in Engineering %D 2009 %R 10.1155/2009/404702