%0 Conference Paper %A Magzoub, M.A. %A Saad, N.B. %A Ibrahim, R.B. %D 2015 %F scholars:6227 %I Elsevier Ltd %K Controllers; Efficiency; Energy efficiency; Fuzzy control; Induction motors; Speed; Vector control (Electric machinery), Disturbances; Ecological contamination; Efficiency improvement; Fuzzy frequency controller; Hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy control (HFFC); Indirect field oriented control; Load and noise disturbances; Scalar controllers, Variable speed drives %P 1529-1535 %R 10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.309 %T Efficiency Improvement of Induction Motor Variable Speed Drive Using a Hybrid Fuzzy-fuzzy Controller %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/6227/ %V 75 %X Induction motor (IM) variable speed drive efficiency is essential for a few reasons as energy conservation, economic saving and lessening of ecological contamination. This research represents a study of the efficiency improvement for the developed hybrid fuzzy-fuzzy controller (HFFC) scheme to gain control over the speed of an induction motor's variable speed drive (VSD). In order to overcome drawback of field oriented control (FOC) method, the principle of HFFC is based on set of rules to control speed of a rotor by utilizing fuzzy frequency controller during the accelerate-decelerate stage. Alternatively, a fuzzy stator current magnitude controller is used during steady-state stage. The two aspects (current and frequency) of FOC are engaged to design a scalar controller. The performance of the controller is observed by conducting a series of tests, and it can be concluded that the controller is efficient, reliable and insensitive towards the parameter variation in the system and motor robustness to load and noise disturbances. © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. %Z cited By 9; Conference of 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE 2015 ; Conference Date: 28 March 2015 Through 31 March 2015; Conference Code:114863