%P 21-30 %T RF MEMS based half mode bowtie shaped substrate integrated waveguide tunable bandpass filter %V 60 %I Electromagnetics Academy %A M.Z. Ur Rehman %A Z. Baharudin %A M.A. Zakariya %A M.H.M. Khir %A M.T. Jilani %A M.T. Khan %O cited By 8 %L scholars6206 %J Progress In Electromagnetics Research C %D 2015 %R 10.2528/PIERC15091407 %X A tunable planar bandpass filter based on a technique that utilizes a half mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW) and novel inter-resonator coupling is presented. The tunable HMSIW based bandpass filter is implemented using two half triangle shaped cavities coupled together through inter-resonator coupling forming half mode bowtie shaped structure. The bowtie-shaped filter exhibits similar performance as found in rectangle- and circle-shaped SIW based bandpass filters. This concept reduces the circuit foot print, and miniaturization high quality factor is maintained by the structure. The tunable filter utilizes packaged RF MEMS switches; switching between different configurations of switches achieves four distinctive frequency states between 4.8�5.3 GHz. The filter maintains a constant absolute 1 dB bandwidth of 100 ± 10 MHz for all frequency states. © 2015, Electromagnetics Academy. All rights reserved. %K Bandpass filters; Microwave circuits; Resonators; Substrate integrated waveguides; Waveguides, Half-mode substrate integrated waveguides; High quality factors; Resonator coupling; RF-MEMS; RF-MEMS switches; Shaped structures; Tunable band-pass filters; Tunable filters, Waveguide filters