%0 Conference Paper %A Adel, I.M. %A Elamvazuthi, I. %A Hanif, N.H.H.B.M. %D 2009 %F scholars:563 %K Binary distillation column; Binary distillation columns; Binary methanol; Control process; LabViEW; Modeling and simulation; Monitoring and controlling; Monitoring and controlling System; Multi-loops; Oil and Gas Industry; Simulink; Supervisory control and data acquisition systems, Computer simulation; Distillation; Gas industry; Methanol; Monitoring; Pilot plants; Steel bridges, Distillation columns %P 453-456 %R 10.1109/SCORED.2009.5442975 %T Monitoring and controlling system for binary distillation column %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/563/ %X The ultimate objective of this project is to design a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system that both monitors and controls one of the most important equipments in the oil and gas industry, which is the distillation column. Devising a system for monitoring and controlling distillation columns is not just very necessary; it also assures top notch performance of the equipment. The results and analysis are expected to be published as a series of papers. However, this paper deals with only the modeling and simulation of the control process of a binary methanol-water pilot plant. Special attention is given to the PI tuning techniques of Cohen-coon, Multi loop, Ziegler - Nichols and ITAE. ©2009 IEEE. %Z cited By 3; Conference of 2009 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development, SCOReD2009 ; Conference Date: 16 November 2009 Through 18 November 2009; Conference Code:80411