%P 388-393 %O cited By 11 %K Concrete spalling; Concrete specimens; DSCC; Exposure durations; Fire flame; MIRHA; Reference specimens; Residual compressive strength, Cements; Compressive strength; Fly ash; Self compacting concrete; Spalling, Fires %A M.F. Nuruddin %A N.M. Azmee %A C.K. Yung %T Effect of fire flame exposure on ductile self-compacting concrete (DSCC) blended with MIRHA and fly ash %J Construction and Building Materials %R 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.09.038 %X The benefits of microwave incinerated rice husk ash (MIRHA) as partial cement supplementary in concrete mixes has led to the research on the possibilities of combining both MIRHA and fly ash in DSCC replacing up to 20 of cement volume whilst maintaining satisfactory properties. While concrete strength increases, explosive spalling may occur in the event of fire. It is important to have a complete knowledge on the behaviour of the composite material subjected to high temperature. In this study the specimens were water-cured for 28 days before subjected to fire flame temperatures of 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000 and 1200 C for exposure duration of 1 h. After burning, concrete specimens were allowed to cool down in two ways, gradually and immediate cooling. Visual inspection, mass measurement and residual compressive strength of the concrete were made and the results were compared with reference specimens. The test results showed that the weight and compressive strength decreased when the fire flame temperatures were increased and the additions improved the spalling effects on the concrete when subjected to high temperature. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. %D 2014 %L scholars5522 %V 50