%K Chain length; Esterification; Esters; Sodium chloride; Turbidity, Behavior studies; Chloride concentrations; Cloud points; Ethylene oxides; Hydrophilic heads; Ionic surfactants; ionic-nonionic; salinity, Nonionic surfactants %I Taylor and Francis Inc. %P 322-328 %O cited By 22 %X The synthesis and cloud point behavior of high oleate ester-derived nonionic surfactants are now reported. The effect of various polyethoxylate chain lengths (polyethylene glycol with 7, 11, and 16 units of ethylene oxide (EO) monomer) as the surfactant's hydrophilic head on the cloud point was investigated. The effect of varying amounts of sodium chloride and five different ionic surfactants on the cloud points of the synthesized nonionic surfactants were also presented. When the chain length of polyethoxylate increased, the cloud point of the synthesized nonionic surfactant also increased, ranging from 16°C, 43°C, and 64°C for 7, 11, and 16 EO units, respectively. Increments in sodium chloride concentration depressed the cloud point values of the synthesized nonionic surfactants linearly. The addition of ionic surfactants elevated the cloud points of the synthesized nonionic surfactant. However, in the presence of sodium chloride, the cloud point of the mixed ionic-nonionic solution was suppressed and anincrease in ionic surfactant concentration was required to elevate the cloud point. It was also found that the cloud points of synthesized surfactants can be raised up to 95°C in the presence of 4wt NaCl solution. © 2014 Copyright Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. %D 2014 %L scholars5473 %V 35 %N 3 %A M. Mushtaq %A I.M. Tan %A L. Ismail %A S.Y.C. Lee %A M. Nadeem %A M. Sagir %T Oleate Ester-Derived Nonionic Surfactants: Synthesis and Cloud Point Behavior Studies %J Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology %R 10.1080/01932691.2013.783492