%I Trans Tech Publications %P 397-404 %T Reliability programmed tool and its application for fault tolerancecomputation %J Advanced Materials Research %V 909 %R 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.909.397 %K Benchmarking; CMOS integrated circuits; Electric network analysis; Manufacture; MATLAB; Reliability; Reliability analysis; Transfer matrix method, Analytical methodology; Circuit dimensions; Computational approach; Maximum error; Netlist; Probabilistic transfer matrixes (PTM); Reliability assessments; Reliability tools, Tools %L scholars5419 %O cited By 0; Conference of 2nd International Conference on Manufacturing, Manufacturing 2014 ; Conference Date: 9 February 2014 Through 10 February 2014; Conference Code:104666 %X With the continuous scaling of CMOS technology, reliability of nano-based electronic circuits is endlessly becoming a major concern. Due to this phenomenon, several computational approaches have been developed for the reliability assessment of modern logic integrated circuits. However, these analytical methodologies have a computational complexity that increases exponentially with the circuit dimension, making the whole reliability assessment process of large circuits becoming very time consuming and intractable. Therefore, to speed up the reliability assessment of large circuits, this paper firstly looks into the development of a programmed reliability tool. The Matlab-based tool is developed based on the generalization of Probabilistic Transfer Matrix (PTM) model as one of the existing reliability assessment approaches. Users have to provide description of the desired circuit in the form of Netlist that becomes the input to the programmed tool. For illustration purpose, in this paper, C17 has been used as the benchmark test circuit for its reliability computation. Secondly, reliability of a desired circuit does not only depend on its faulty gates, but it also depends on the maximum error threshold of these faulty gates above which no reliable computation is possible. For this purpose, the developed tool is employed again to find the exact error thresholds for faulty gates. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. %A N.S.S. Singh %A N.H. Hamid %A V.S. Asirvadam %D 2014