%O cited By 17 %J Journal of Communications %L scholars5347 %D 2014 %R 10.12720/jcm.9.5.379-384 %N 5 %X In this article we designed a quantum network consists of four nodes using pairs of partial entangled state (Werner-state). The nodes of this network are connected via Dzyaloshiniskii-Moriya (DM) interaction. The entanglement is quantified between all different nodes using Wootters concurrence. It is shown that there is a maximum entangled state generated between two nodes which are connected indirectly. The degree of entanglement depends on the direction of switching the interaction. © 2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing. %K Communication; Electrical engineering, Degree of entanglement; Dzyaloshiniskii-Moriya (DM) interaction; Entangled state; Entanglement; Quantum network, Quantum entanglement %P 379-384 %T Quantum network via partial entangled state %A A.-H. Abdel-Aty %A N. Zakaria %A L.Y. Cheong %A N. Metwallay %I Academy Publisher %V 9