%A T. Ayub %A N. Shafiq %A M.F. Nuruddin %D 2014 %K Bending strength; Cements; Compressive strength; Fiber reinforced materials; Fibers; Reinforced concrete; Silica fume; Tensile strength, Analytical predictions; Cement content; High performance fiber reinforced concrete; Mathematical relationship; Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA); PVA fiber; Splitting tensile strength; Water-to-binder ratio, Mechanical properties, Bend Strength; Compression Strength; Fibers; Mechanical Properties; Reinforced Concrete; Tensile Strength %L scholars5226 %O cited By 4 %X In this paper, mechanical properties of three series of high performance fiber reinforced concrete (HPFRC) containing 1, 2 and 3 of Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) fiber volume are presented. The first series of HPFRC was prepared by using 100 cement, whereas remaining two series were prepared by replacing 10 cement content with silica fume and locally produced metakaolin. All series were designed with water to binder ratio (w/b) of 0.4. The mechanical properties determined in this study include compressive strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength. Testing of the specimens was conducted at the 28 days of curing. Experimental results showed that the 3 PVA fiber is the optimum fiber volume to improve the mechanical properties of HPFRC. The variation in the mechanical properties due to the addition of PVA fibers was investigated and presented in the form of mathematical relationship. Further, interrelationship among the mechanical properties was also determined. © (2014) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. %T Analytical prediction of the mechanical properties of high performance PVA fiber reinforced concrete %J Applied Mechanics and Materials %R 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.567.345 %V 567 %I Trans Tech Publications Ltd %P 345-350