%K Electrons; Inductively coupled plasma; Langmuir probes; Nickel; Plasma theory; Probes; Electric discharges; Electrons; Inductively coupled plasma; Langmuir probes; Nickel; Nitrogen; Plasma theory; Probes; Radio waves, Electron number densities; Inductively coupled plasma (ICP); Ion saturation current; Nitrogen gas pressure; Plasma characterization; Radio frequency plasma; Radio frequency source; Triple langmuir probes, Electron temperature; Electron temperature %O cited By 4 %I World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd %N 4 %X The electrostatic probes are considered to be the most powerful and experimentally simplest technique for plasma characterization. The objective of the work was to test the nickel-chrome alloy as probe tip material for characterization of RF discharge plasmas. In order to meet the objective, a triple Langmuir probe diagnostic system and associated driving circuit was designed and tested in inductively coupled plasma (ICP) generated by a 13.56 MHz radio frequency (RF) source. Using this probe diagnostic, the electron temperature, electron number density and ion saturation current were measured as a function of input RF power and filling gas pressure. An increasing trend was noticed in electron temperature and electron number density with input power whilst a decreasing trend was evident in these parameters for increasing nitrogen gas pressure. The overall variations in electron temperature and electron number density after repeated measurements were ranging from 5 to 12 and 3 to 13, respectively. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company. %L scholars4992 %D 2014 %V 21 %T Testing of nickel-chrome alloy as a tip material for multi-tip langmuir probes %A M.Y. Naz %A S. Shukrullah %A A. Ghaffar %A I. Shakir %A S. Ullah %A M. Sagir %J Surface Review and Letters %R 10.1142/S0218625X14500565