%X A vehicle propulsion system based on internal combustion engine (ICE) includes a throttle body whose function is to regulate the amount of air-fuel intake into the engine to vary the engine's power and thus vehicle acceleration. A mechanical throttle valve body attached to the ICE's air intake manifold is linked to the driver's accelerator pedal via mechanical cable. An alternative system is based on an electronic throttle: an electromechanical device controlled electronically by power transistors. Coupled with an accelerator pedal and a built-in position sensor, the system is referred to as an electronic throttle-by-wire (TBW). This paper describes implementation of an electronic TBW in a conversion hybrid electric vehicle. It explains components and sub-systems of the TBW and application of a closed-loop throttle position control. The controller used is an embedded CompactRIO controller from National Instruments, programmed with LabVIEW Real-Time. Bench testing of the TBW and throttle position control system is presented. © 2014 IEEE. %D 2014 %L scholars4938 %A S.A. Zulkifli %A V.S. Asirvadam %A N. Saad %A A.R.A. Aziz %A A.A.M. Mohideen %J 2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems: Technological Convergence for Sustainable Future, ICIAS 2014 - Proceedings %T Implementation of electronic throttle-by-wire for a hybrid electric vehicle using National Instruments' CompactRIO and LabVIEW Real-Time %R 10.1109/ICIAS.2014.6869555 %K Air intakes; Automobile bodies; Electromechanical devices; Engines; Hybrid vehicles; Internal combustion engines; Position control; Power electronics; Three term control systems; Valves (mechanical); Wire, CompactRIO; CompactRIO controllers; Electronic throttle; LabViEW; National Instruments; throttle-by-wire; Vehicle acceleration; Vehicle propulsion systems, Acceleration control %I IEEE Computer Society %C Kuala Lumpur %O cited By 12; Conference of 2014 5th International Conference on Intelligent and Advanced Systems, ICIAS 2014 ; Conference Date: 3 June 2014 Through 5 June 2014; Conference Code:107042