%R 10.1007/978-0-387-76813-7₂₀ %V 16 %J Springer Optimization and Its Applications %T Fuzzy optimization via multi-objective evolutionary computation for chocolate manufacturing %P 523-537 %I Springer International Publishing %D 2008 %A F. Jiménez %A G. Sánchez %A P. Vasant %A J.L. Verdegay %X This chapter outlines, first, a real-world industrial problem for product mix selection involving 8 variables and 21 constraints with fuzzy coefficients and, second, a multi-objective optimization approach to solve the problem. This problem occurs in production planning in which a decision maker plays a pivotal role in making decisions under a fuzzy environment. Decision maker should be aware of his/her level-of-satisfaction as well as degree of fuzziness while making the product mix decision. Thus, the authors have analyzed using a modified S-curve membership function for the fuzziness patterns and fuzzy sensitivity of the solution found from the multi-objective optimization methodology. An ad hoc Pareto-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is proposed to capture multiple nondominated solutions in a single run of the algorithm. Results obtained have been compared with the well-known multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II. © Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2008. %O cited By 3 %L scholars487