%0 Journal Article %@ 08858977 %A Mukerjee, R.N. %A Abdullah, M.F.B. %D 2008 %F scholars:461 %J IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery %K Electric current measurement; Electric fault location; Iterative methods; Lead; Networks (circuits), Apparent impedance; Distance relaying; Earth faults; Ground faults; Mutual coupling (MC); Non-iterative; Parallel lines; Real time; Residual currents; Right-of way (ROW); Single phasing; Transmission line protection; Zero sequence voltages; Zero-sequence network, Coupled circuits %N 3 %P 1359-1365 %R 10.1109/TPWRD.2007.916227 %T Under-reach correction in twin circuits without residual current input from the parallel line %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/461/ %V 23 %X Mutual coupling poses difficult problems witnessed during single phase to earth fault, in transmission line protection. In parallel lines on the same right of way, mutually coupled zero-sequence circuits cause error in the apparent impedance seen by the relay. This causes the distance relay at one end of the faulty line to over-reach while the one at the other end to under-reach. Incorrect sensing of the ground fault due to zero-sequence voltage inversion caused by mutually coupled zero-sequence network may lead to false trip of the neighbouring healthy line. The paper develops characteristic expressions for effective sequence impedances of twin circuit lines and presents a non-iterative microprocessor based algorithm for fault distance and under-reach estimation in real time, for under-reach correction in basic distance relaying scheme. The residual current measurement from the parallel circuit is not required for this purpose. © 2008 IEEE. %Z cited By 4