%O cited By 27 %P 223-230 %K Chemical EOR; equilibria; Equilibrium adsorption; First-order kinetic models; Langmuir adsorption model; Langmuir and freundlich adsorption; Pseudo-second-order kinetic models; Pseudo-second-order rate equation, Adsorption; Biophysics; Dyes; Enzyme kinetics; Kinetic parameters; Kinetic theory; Rate constants; Sandstone, Anionic surfactants %R 10.1080/01932691.2013.783491 %A M.R. Azam %A I.M. Tan %A L. Ismail %A M. Mushtaq %A M. Nadeem %A M. Sagir %J Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology %T Kinetics and Equilibria of Synthesized Anionic Surfactant onto Berea Sandstone %L scholars4404 %V 35 %D 2014 %X We present static adsorption studies of anionic surfactants on crushed Berea sandstone. The maximum adsorption density was 0.9604 mg/g. The kinetics of adsorption process was modeled using pseudo-first-order and pseudo-second-order rate equations at 25°C and 70°C. The equilibrium adsorption process was validated using Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models. In addition, the effects of different parameters that govern the effectiveness of these surfactants such as pH and temperature were also investigated. The kinetic study results show that the surfactant adsorption is a time dependent process. The apparent rate constant of adsorption process determined by the first-order kinetic model at 25°C and 70°C were 0.11768 and -0.04513, respectively. The rate constant for pseudo-second-order kinetic model was 0.0086 at 25°C and 0.0101 at 70°C. The adsorption of anionic surfactant followed pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The Freundlich and Langmuir model constant were 1.6509 � 10-4 and -9.775 � 10-5, respectively. The equilibrium results showed that the adsorption of anionic surfactant onto Berea sandstone was well described by Langmuir adsorption model. It was concluded that anionic surfactants performed better at higher pH and temperature. © 2014 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC. %N 2