%0 Conference Paper %A Ahmed Jad Elrab, A.M. %A Kamel, N.S. %D 2008 %F scholars:440 %K Antenna accessories; Antennas; Beamforming; Communication channels (information theory); Curve fitting; Least squares approximations; Multiple access interference; Peeling; Radio interference; Signal processing; Standards; Technology, Adaptive beamforming; Antenna elements; Beam formers; Beam forming algorithms; Beam-forming techniques; Beamformer-rake receiver; Blind adaptive beamforming; Cellular systems; Coherent rake; Communication engineering; Feasible solutions; Human developments; International conferences; Least-mean-square; Maximal-ratio combining; MMSE; Multi-path; Number of fingers; Performance analyses; RAKE fingers; Rake receiver; Rake receivers; Recursive-least-square; Signal fading; WCDMA; WCDMA uplink, Signal receivers %P 483-488 %R 10.1109/ICCCE.2008.4580651 %T Performance analysis of non-blind adaptive beamforming techniques for (3G) WCDMA uplink %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/440/ %X The capacity of cellular system is limited by two different phenomena namely, multipath fading and Multiple Access Interference (MAI). A beamformer-Rake receiver is a computationally feasible solution to allow temporal-spatial signal processing for effectively overcoming signal fading and MAI. In this paper, the performance of PSA beamformer-Rake receivers in the Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) circular channel with the uplink W-CDMA signal standard has been investigated. The Least Mean Square (LMS) and the Recursive Least Square (RLS) as PSA-based beamforming techniques have been considered. Maximal Ratio Combining (MRC) coherent RAKE receiver with different number of fingers is considered for simulation. The performances of the aforementioned two PSA-based beamforming techniques are compared in terms of BER against number of users in the following scenarios: antenna elements, RAKE fingers, and beamforming algorithms. ©2008 IEEE. %Z cited By 1; Conference of International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008, ICCCE08: Global Links for Human Development ; Conference Date: 13 May 2008 Through 15 May 2008; Conference Code:73527