%0 Journal Article %@ 1746966X %A Azizan, N.A. %A Lai, F.-W. %D 2013 %F scholars:4014 %I Inderscience Publishers %J Journal for Global Business Advancement %N 2 %P 138-151 %R 10.1504/JGBA.2013.053567 %T Depth penetration of enterprise risk management model in Malaysian government sector %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/4014/ %V 6 %X With the worsening of operating environment due to intense competition brought about by globalisation and market liberalisation, the risks faced by corporate Malaysia have been fierce and getting more complex. Motivated from this issue, we conducted a research to investigate the awareness and depth penetration of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) in Malaysian Government agencies. After knowing the level of risk management in every sector we can start to implement ERM in every government sectors to reduce their risk and achieve target to have efficient and transparent government. We surveyed the profile and commitment of Public Sectors in Malaysia to ERM practices and used factor analysis and regression analysis to determine the intensity, challenges and benefits of ERM implementation in government sectors. Our finding suggested that implementation of ERM in public sectors can increase the performance and corporate governance of the Malaysian government. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. %Z cited By 1