%R 10.1088/1755-1315/16/1/012066 %J IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science %T Private Finance 2 (PF2): Re-inventing the wheel? %A N.A.W.A. Zawawi %A A.R. Abdul-Aziz %A M.F. Khamidi %A I. Othman %A A. Idrus %A A.A. Umar %N 1 %V 16 %L scholars3967 %D 2013 %X The Procurement policy of any government is the most influential factor in determining the efficiency of infrastructure and service provision like roads, water supply and energy. The UK's HM Treasury released its new guidelines on private involvement in infrastructures provision and services towards reforming the popular Private Finance Initiatives (PFI) policy. This new approach, it now refers to as the Private Finance 2 (PF2) is meant to correct the imperfections which have bedeviled the older version-PFI. However, the 'new guidelines' contained nothing really new in the area of private financing and operation of public infrastructures, at best it is akin to 're-inventing the wheel' rather than being 'new'. While dwelling extensively on issues relating to cheaper financing sources, risks transfer, counterpart funding by government and improving public sector procurement skills, this paper argues that some countries in the developing world have long recognised these issues and taken practical steps to correct them. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. %O cited By 1; Conference of 26th IAHR Symposium on Hydraulic Machinery and Systems ; Conference Date: 19 August 2012 Through 23 August 2012; Conference Code:95632 %C Beijing %I Institute of Physics Publishing %K Developing countries; Public risks; Water supply; Wheels, Developing world; Influential factors; Private Finance Initiative; Private financing; Procurement policy; Public infrastructures; Public sector procurements; Service provisions, Finance, financial policy; infrastructural development; private sector; public-private partnership; state role, United Kingdom