%K Blending; Fluidized bed process; Fluidized beds; Fossil fuel deposits; Fossil fuels; Gasification; Polyethylenes, Catalytic steam gasifications; Energy from renewable sources; Fluidized bed gasifiers; Fossil fuel resources; Hydrogen yields; Palm kernel shells; Polyethylene wastes; Production efficiency, Hydrogen production %O cited By 33 %P 565-570 %I Italian Association of Chemical Engineering - AIDIC %V 35 %L scholars3927 %D 2013 %X Energy from renewable source is expected to complement the energy derived from fossil fuel resources. In current research, an efficient method to produce hydrogen by blending palm kernel shell (PKS) with polyethylene (PE) waste via catalytic steam gasification is studied at pilot scale fluidized bed gasifier. This paper reports the results obtained from a series of experiment that have been performed to improve the hydrogen production efficiency. By mixing the PE waste with biomass and using those as feedstock revealed an increase in the product gas volume percent and hydrogen yield. The highest H2 content 76.18 vol achieved at 800 oC using 25 wt of PE mixed with PKS. A fuel gas with a calorific value up to 15.98 MJ/Nm3 was produced which has the potential to be used in engines. Copyright © 2013, AIDIC Servizi S.r.l. %R 10.3303/CET1335094 %A R.A. Moghadam %A S. Yusup %A H.L. Lam %A A.A. Shoaibi %A M.M. Ahmad %T Hydrogen production from mixture of biomass and polyethylene waste in fluidized bed catalytic steam co-gasification process %J Chemical Engineering Transactions