%I Hindawi Publishing Corporation %O cited By 10 %K hot water; water, article; cloud; cooling; dynamics; evaporation; heating; image analysis; physical phenomena; room temperature; spray drying; water loading; water temperature; equipment; equipment design; heat; hydrodynamics; particle size; pressure; technology, Equipment Design; Hot Temperature; Hydrodynamics; Particle Size; Pressure; Technology; Water %R 10.1155/2013/796081 %J The Scientific World Journal %T Investigation of vortex clouds and droplet sizes in heated water spray patterns generated by axisymmetric full cone nozzles %A M.Y. Naz %A S.A. Sulaiman %A B. Ariwahjoedi %A K.Z. Ku Shaari %D 2013 %L scholars3918 %V 2013 %X The hot water sprays are an important part of many industrial processes, where the detailed knowledge of physical phenomena involved in jet transportation, interaction, secondary breakup, evaporation, and coalescence of droplets is important to reach more efficient processes. The objective of the work was to study the water spray jet breakup dynamics, vortex cloud formation, and droplet size distribution under varying temperature and load pressure. Using a high speed camera, the spray patterns generated by axisymmetric full cone nozzles were visualized as a function water temperature and load pressure. The image analysis confirmed that the spray cone angle and width do not vary significantly with increasing Reynolds and Weber numbers at early injection phases leading to increased macroscopic spray propagation. The formation and decay of semitorus like vortex clouds were also noticed in spray structures generated at near water boiling point temperature. For the nozzle with smallest orifice diameter (1.19 mm), these vortex clouds were very clear at 90°C heating temperature and 1 bar water load pressure. In addition, the sauter mean diameter (SMD) of the spray droplets was also measured by using Phase Doppler Anemometry (PDA) at different locations downstream of the nozzle exit. It was noticed that SMD varies slightly w.r.t. position when measured at room temperature whereas at higher temperature values, it became almost constant at distance of 55 mm downstream of the nozzle exit. © 2013 M. Y. Naz et al.