%0 Journal Article %@ 01678299 %A Yaqub, A. %A Ajab, H. %D 2013 %F scholars:3680 %J Reviews in Chemical Engineering %K Electrochemical; Electrochemical process; Hybrid techniques; Industrial effluent; Industrial wastewaters; Sonoelectrochemical; Sonoelectrochemistry; Wastewater treatment system, Industrial water treatment; Mass transfer; Sewage; Sonochemistry; Ultrasonic applications; Ultrasonics; Wastewater; Water pollution, Wastewater treatment %N 2 %P 123-130 %R 10.1515/revce-2012-0017 %T Applications of sonoelectrochemistry in wastewater treatment system %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/3680/ %V 29 %X Sonoelectrochemistry is a combination of ultrasound plus electrochemical process. It appears to be an attractive option to treat the industrial wastewater. In this study, we review the several applications of this hybrid technique and their efficiencies for the treatment of a variety of industrial effluents including chemical and dyes, metal-contaminated waters, and its effects on mass transfer in electrochemical process. © 2013 Walter de Gruyter GmbH. %Z cited By 25