%T Electrochemical Performance of Cathode LiVOPO4 Doped with Mo and W %J Transactions of the Indian Ceramic Society %R 10.1080/0371750X.2013.794029 %V 72 %P 108-112 %N 2 %A M.A. Bustam %A Z. Man %A S. Maitra %A T. Ishihara %D 2013 %K Discharge capacities; Doping effects; Electrical conductivity; Electrochemical performance; High current densities; Impedance spectroscopy measurements; Impregnation methods; Vanadyl phosphate, Cathodes; Electric conductivity; Lithium; X ray diffraction, Tungsten compounds %L scholars3592 %O cited By 10 %X Molybdenum (Mo) and tungsten (W) substituted LiV0.99X0.01OPO4 (X = Mo and W) compounds were synthesized by impregnation method. The structures of samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, and their electrochemical properties were studied by using charge-discharge in galavanostatic mode versus Li+/Li. The electrical conductivity of the samples was estimated by using impedance spectroscopy measurement with 2 point probe method at room temperature. Phosphates of composition LiV0.99X0.01OPO4 with 1 Mo and W content in the structure exhibits high intercalation potential of 3.95 V versus Li/Li+. It was found that the electrical conductivity of Mo and W substituted samples at room temperature was improved to 4.8 � 10-6 and 1.5 � 10-5 S.cm-1, respectively. Discharge capacity was also observed for the W doped sample with good retention performance up to 20 cycles at high current density of C/5 (0.4 mA.cm-2). © 2013 The Indian Ceramic Society.