%K Analytical investigations; Cyclic; Cyclic loadings; Cyclic shear loading; Direct shear; Existing structure; Experimental setup; Externally bonded; Fiber reinforced polymers; FRP reinforcement; Gain insight; Interfacial; Interfacial behaviors; Laboratory investigations; Loading condition; Mathematical formulation; Number of cycles; Premature failures; R.C beams; Shear capacity; Shear strengthening; Strengthening technique; Test parameters; Test setups, Carbon fiber reinforced plastics; Concrete construction; Debonding; Environmental testing; Fiber reinforced plastics; Reinforced concrete; Stiffness, Loading %C Memphis, TN %O cited By 0; Conference of 23rd Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2008 ; Conference Date: 9 September 2008 Through 11 September 2008; Conference Code:93320 %P 1499-1511 %L scholars355 %V 2 %D 2008 %X The strengthening of reinforced concrete structures by means of externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers FRPs is becoming an attractive technique for upgrading existing structures. Although previous laboratory investigations have shown that the shear capacities of beams can be increased considerably with this strengthening technique, premature failure by debonding of the FRP reinforcement can often limit its effectiveness. To gain insight into debonding phenomena, various experimental and analytical investigations of the behavior of bonded FRP-to-concrete joints have been carried out. However, such studies have generally been limited to monotonic "static" loading conditions. The primary purpose of this paper is to propose a new methodology of determination of stiffness and degradation of stiffness of the interface between CFRP side face and concrete under cyclic loading. The test setup and supports are designed such that there is a direct shear at the FRP-to-concrete interface. In this paper, first, we describe the experimental setup and test parameters. Next experimental results for cyclic bond stress-slip behavior, mathematical formulations for stiffness of interface and its degradation as number of cycles increased are obtained and discussed. %T Interfacial behavior of side plated CFRP-to-concrete joints under cyclic shear loading %J American Society for Composites - 23rd Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites 2008 %A L. Mahmoud %A N. Shafiq %A M. Fadhil %A W. Thanoon