%R 10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4631894 %J Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim %T Implementation of FFT using discrete wavelet packet transform (DWPT) and its application to SNR estimation in OFDM systems %A R.S. Manzoor %A R. Gani %A V. Jeoti %A N. Kamel %A M. Asif %L scholars332 %V 3 %D 2008 %X In this paper, wavelet packet based FFT and its application to SNR estimation is proposed. OFDM systems demodulate data using FFT. The proposed solution computes the exact result, and its computational complexity is same order of FFT, i.e. O(Nlog2 N). SNR estimation is done inside wavelet packet based FFT block unlike previous SNR estimations techniques which perform SNR estimation after FFT. Wavelet packet analyzed data is used to perform SNR estimation. The proposed estimator is taking into consideration the different noise power levels over the OFDM sub-carriers. The OFDM band is divided into several sub-bands using wavelet packet and noise in each sub-band is considered white. The second-order statistics of the transmitted OFDM preamble are calculated in each sub-band and the power noise is estimated. The proposed estimator is compared with Reddy's estimator for colored noise in terms of mean square error (MSE). © 2008 IEEE. %O cited By 2; Conference of International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim ; Conference Date: 26 August 2008 Through 29 August 2008; Conference Code:74115 %C Kuala Lumpur %K Acoustic intensity; Computational complexity; Estimation; Fast Fourier transforms; Frequency allocation; Frequency division multiplexing; Information technology; Mean square error; Signal to noise ratio; Telecommunication systems, Colored noises; Discrete wavelet packet transforms; Exact results; Mean squares; Noise powers; OFDM systems; Power noises; Second-order statistics; SNR estimations; Wavelet packets, Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing