%T Effects of sintering temperature and cooling rate on mechanical properties of powder injection molded 316L stainless steel %J Solid State Phenomena %R 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.185.102 %V 185 %I Trans Tech Publications Ltd %P 102-105 %A M.R. Raza %A F. Ahmad %A O. Mamat %A M.A. Omar %A R.M. German %A A.S. Muhsan %D 2012 %K Cooling; Functional materials; Injection molding; Mechanical properties; Powder metallurgy; ASTM standards; Cooling; Functional materials; Injection molding; Mechanical properties; Powder metallurgy; Sintering; Temperature; Tensile strength, 316 L stainless steel; ASTM Standards; Cooling rates; Effects of temperature; Fracture analysis; Green samples; Heating and cooling rates; In-vacuum; Powder injection; Powder injection molding (PIM); Sintered density; Sintering temperatures; Steel powder; Test samples; Powder injection molding, Sintering; Austenitic stainless steel %L scholars3200 %O cited By 3; Conference of International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT2011, Symposium T - Advanced Structural and Functional Materials for Protection ; Conference Date: 26 June 2011 Through 1 July 2011; Conference Code:88792 %C Singapore %X This research presents the effects of temperature and cooling rate on mechanical properties of powder injection molded 316L Stainless steel. Steel powder and binder were mixed together to produce the feedstock. The green samples were produced by injection molding and debinded. Brown test samples were sintered in vacuum at 1325°C, 1360°C and 1380°C for 2h with two heating and cooling rates 5°C/min and 10°C/min. The test samples sintered at 1325°C achieved maximum sintered density. The higher cooling rate improved the strength of the sintered test samples. The maximum sintered density of 96 and tensile strength of 503MPa was achieved and these results are comparable to the wrought 316L stainless steel (according to ASTM standard). © (2012) Trans Tech Publications.