%V 8350 %R 10.1117/12.920549 %J Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering %T B2B collaboration method through trust values for e-supply chain integrator: A case study of Malaysian construction industry %A N. Ab.Aziz %A R. Ahmad %A D. Dhanapal Durai %D 2012 %O cited By 3; Conference of 4th International Conference on Machine Vision: Computer Vision and Image Analysis; Pattern Recognition and Basic Technologies, ICMV 2011 ; Conference Date: 9 December 2011 Through 10 December 2011; Conference Code:88614 %C Singapore %X Limited trust, cooperation and communication have been identified as some of the issues that hinder collaboration among business partners. These one also true in the acceptance of e-supply chain integrator among organizations that involve in the same industry. On top of that, the huge number of components in supply chain industry also makes it impossible to include entire supply chain components in the integrator. Hence, this study intends to propose a method for identifying "trusted" collaborators for inclusion into an e-supply chain integrator. For the purpose of constructing and validating the method, the Malaysian construction industry is chosen as the case study due to its size and importance to the economy. This paper puts forward the background of the research, some relevant literatures which lead to trust values elements formulation, data collection from Malaysian Construction Supply Chain and a glimpse of the proposed method for trusted partner selection. Future work is also presented to highlight the next step of this research. © 2012 Copyright Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). %K B2B; B2B collaboration; Business partners; Chain components; Collaboration; Construction supply chain; Data collection; eBusiness; Malaysian construction industry; Malaysians; Number of components; Partner selection; Trust and Integration; Trust values, Computer vision; Construction industry; Image analysis; Research, Supply chains %L scholars3064