%A R. Tiruselvam %A V.R. Raghavan %J Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung %T Double tube heat exchanger with novel enhancement: Part I-flow development length and adiabatic friction factor %R 10.1007/s00231-011-0915-4 %X The study is conducted to evaluate the flow characteristics in a double tube heat exchanger using two new and versatile enhancement configurations. The novelty is that they are usable in single phase forced convection, evaporation and condensation. Correlations are proposed for flow development length and friction factor for use in predicting fluid pumping power in thermal equipment as well as in subsequent heat transfer characterization of the surface. © Springer-Verlag 2011. %V 48 %L scholars3031 %D 2012 %N 4 %P 641-651 %O cited By 5 %K Adiabatic friction; Development length; Double-tube heat exchanger; Evaporation and condensation; Flow characteristic; Flow development; Fluid pumping; Friction factors; Single phase; Thermal equipments, Condensed matter physics; Fluids, Tubes (components)