@inproceedings{scholars300, doi = {10.1109/ITSIM.2008.4631915}, title = {A simulation of PLC-based self-tuning PI-fuzzy logic controller for DC motor}, volume = {3}, address = {Kuala Lumpur}, note = {cited By 8; Conference of International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim ; Conference Date: 26 August 2008 Through 29 August 2008; Conference Code:74115}, journal = {Proceedings - International Symposium on Information Technology 2008, ITSim}, year = {2008}, keywords = {Control theory; DC generator motors; DC motors; Fuzzy control; Fuzzy sets; Fuzzy systems; Information technology; Motors; Speed control; Tuning, Dc motor speed controls; Fuzzy logic controllers; Gain tuning; Improved performances; Logic blocks; Pi-fuzzy controllers; Self-tuning; Settling times; Speed controllers; Speed errors; Sudden changes, Fuzzy logic}, author = {Arrofiq, M. and Saad, N.}, isbn = {9781424423286}, abstract = {This paper presents simulation of a PLC-based selftuning PI-fuzzy controller for DC motor speed control. The controller consists of two fuzzy logic blocks, main and gain tuning, respectively. The main fuzzy block acts as a speed controller, while the gain tuning block scales the output of main fuzzy. The gain tuning gets same inputs as main fuzzy (i.e. speed error and change of error). By introducing gain tuning, overshoot and settling time can be restrained. The objective of the controller is to provide stability, to reduce overshoot in response to disturbance and sudden change in reference. The performance is compared to PI-fuzzy controller. Results show improved performance. {\^A}{\copyright} 2008 IEEE.}, url = {https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-57349174043&doi=10.1109\%2fITSIM.2008.4631915&partnerID=40&md5=4aa9d1d78224bad7d97caf69468574fa} }