%K Detection rates; False alarms; Feature subset; Intrusion detection approaches; Intrusion Detection Systems; Knowledge discovery and data minings; Performance factors; Radial basis functions; Training overhead, Computer crime; Information science; Intrusion detection; Principal component analysis; Radial basis function networks; Set theory; Technology; Websites, Support vector machines %P 569-574 %O cited By 21; Conference of 2012 International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICCIS 2012 - A Conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress, ESTCON 2012 ; Conference Date: 12 June 2012 Through 14 June 2012; Conference Code:93334 %C Kuala Lumpur %X Presently many intrusion detection approaches are available but have drawbacks like training overhead as well as their performance factor. Increased detection rate with less false alarms can enhanced the efficiency of an intrusion detection system. One of the main limitations is the processing of raw features for classification which increases the architecture complexity and decreases the accuracy of detecting intrusions. Because of the limitations in earlier approaches, this PCA based subsets has been proposed. An SVM based IDS mechanism with Principal Component Analysis (PCA) feature subsets has been presented. Support Vector Machines (SVM) used as classifier to test and train the subsets of extracted features with Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. © 2012 IEEE. %L scholars2830 %D 2012 %V 2 %J 2012 International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICCIS 2012 - A Conference of World Engineering, Science and Technology Congress, ESTCON 2012 - Conference Proceedings %T An approach towards intrusion detection using PCA feature subsets and SVM %A N. Kausar %A B. Belhaouari Samir %A S.B. Sulaiman %A I. Ahmad %A M. Hussain %R 10.1109/ICCISci.2012.6297095