%J SHUSER 2012 - 2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research %T Motion detection and base isolation system for earthquake-resistant relief structures: Application of biomimetics %R 10.1109/SHUSER.2012.6268899 %P 63-66 %D 2012 %A M.F. Khamidi %A S.A. Farhan %A K.H.Z. Chai %A A. Idrus %A M.F. Nuruddin %L scholars2809 %K Base isolation systems; Base isolator; Design process; Horizontal acceleration; Motion detection; Shake table tests; Shock isolation, Conceptual design; Concrete blocks; Earthquakes; Engineering research, Biomimetics %X The conceptual design of a motion detection and base isolation system for earthquake-resistant relief structures is presented. The design process, which applies principles of biomimetics, is inspired by the motion detection ability of birds and fishes and shock isolation ability of woodpeckers' skulls. Concrete blocks with and without base isolators were subjected to shake table tests to evaluate the efficiency of the base isolation system. Results revealed that the base isolation system reduces horizontal acceleration of concrete blocks by approximately 82.00 ± 2.0. © 2012 IEEE. %C Kuala Lumpur %O cited By 0; Conference of 2012 IEEE Symposium on Humanities, Science and Engineering Research, SHUSER 2012 ; Conference Date: 24 June 2012 Through 27 June 2012; Conference Code:93254