%D 2012 %A A.S. Hashim %A W.F.W. Ahmad %C Malta %X The advancement of mobile web technology and cloud computing give wider space for improvement of mobile learning system practices. This paper presents a new conceptual model for to-be developed learning management system called Mobile School. This system allows the users to performe teaching and learning activities via both personal computers and mobile devices. This new model is proposed to solve three main identified problems, mobile device physical limitations, ineffective and limited communication among teachers, students, parents and school administrators, and usability problems with the existing mobile learning systems. Thorough literature studies have been conducted to identify the problems of current mobile learning systems and practices, and to determine the possible theories or concepts that can be integrated in the new conceptual model to solve the identified problems. As a result, a new conceptual model that incorporates all necessary concepts, theories and principles has been proposed. The detailed discussions will be presented throughout this paper. © 2012 IEEE. %O cited By 5; Conference of UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium, EMS 2012 ; Conference Date: 14 November 2012 Through 16 November 2012; Conference Code:95861 %L scholars2481 %K Conceptual model; Learning management system; Limited communication; Literature studies; Mobile usability; Mobile web; Mobile-learning system; Physical limitations; Teaching and learning; Usability problems, Cloud computing; Learning systems; Mobile devices; Personal computers, Problem solving %R 10.1109/EMS.2012.92 %T The development of new conceptual model for MobileSchool %J Proceedings - UKSim-AMSS 6th European Modelling Symposium, EMS 2012 %P 517-522