%0 Journal Article %@ 1747650X %A Nuruddin, M.F. %A Qazi, S.A. %A Kusbiantoro, A. %A Shafiq, N. %D 2011 %F scholars:2326 %I Thomas Telford Services Ltd %J Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials %K Bending strength; Carbon; Carbon dioxide; Cements; Compressive strength; Concrete testing; Concretes; Curing; Fly ash; Materials testing; Portland cement; Scanning electron microscopy; Silica; Silica fume; Silicates; Silicon compounds; Sodium; Waste disposal; Waste management, Alkaline activators; Concrete technology; Geopolymeric concretes; Hazardous waste materials; In-situ construction; Ordinary Portland cement; Scanning electrons; Strength and testing of materials, Strength of materials %N 6 %P 315-327 %R 10.1680/coma.2011.164.6.315 %T Utilisation of waste material in geopolymeric concrete %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/2326/ %V 164 %X Fly ash, silica fume and rice husks are hazardous waste materials that have no use and in the past have been landfilled. However, landfillingisbecomingexpensive andcauses contaminationtosoil andgroundwater.Utilisationofwastematerial in concrete is also very effective in overcoming the problems caused by the production of cement; namely the emission of carbon dioxide and degradation of the environment due to the quarrying of raw materials (limestone and clay) for the productionofcement. This research studywasbased onthe complete eliminationofordinary Portland cement from concrete that can achieve 28 days target cube strength in the range of 40-50 MPa with the emphasis on the curing techniques applicable for in situ construction; namely ambient and external exposure curing. Fly ash was utilised as a base source material and silica fume andmicrowave-incinerated rice husk ashwere used as replacements for the fly ash by 3, 5 and 7. Alkaline activators, namely sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solutionwere used as activators of silica and aluminium in the source material and sugar was incorporated in the mix to increase the hardening time of the concrete. Compressive strength, flexural strength and scanning electronmicroscopy testswere conducted on the specimens and the results showed that at 3, 7, 28, 56 and 90 days the fly ash along with silica fume, microwave-incinerated rice husk ash and alkaline activators couldbe agoodreplacementof cement. Thecompressive strengthof external exposure curing for thegeopolymeric concrete reached up to 48·7 MPa at 28 days and this concrete had a well-developed microstructure shown by scanning electron microscopy analysis. The flexural strength showed values whichwere comparablewith ordinary Portland cement concrete. %Z cited By 31