%J Workshop on Palaeozoic Limestones of South-East Asia and South China - 1st EAGE South East Asia Regional Geology Workshop %T Paleogeographic evolution of the Southeast Asia Palaeozoic carbonate complexes %A H. Tsegab %A S. Kassa %A B.J. Pierson %A A.W. Hunter %A C.W. Sum %X Amalgamation and accretion of Southeast Asia continental blocks has occurred during the Late Devonian to Late Cretaceous tectonic movements, its consequences led to the closure and opening of oceanic basins, and orogeny. The Southeast Asia carbonate complexes shared the same regional tectonic history of uplifting, faulting and compressional strains. The main Terranes of the present Southeast Asia were located within the palaeo-Thethys in an equatorial latitudinal setting in Permian period and the geological dating of the carbonates imply presence of regional relationship between carbonate buildups. Paleomagnetic data in northwestern Malaysia, biogeographic evidence throughout India, Australia, and China with palaeoclimatic conditions in the region were favored carbonate growth and might suggest that the Palaeozoic limestone formed continuous carbonate chain in the region, from Malaysia to Thailand. In addition to the microfossils, the absence of siliciclastics within the limestone sequences and syndepositional slope structures are considered as evidences for deeper depositional setting. %L scholars2291 %D 2011 %O cited By 0; Conference of 1st EAGE South East Asia Regional Geology Workshop on Palaeozoic Limestones of South-East Asia and South China ; Conference Date: 5 December 2011 Through 8 December 2011; Conference Code:104437 %I European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE %C Ipoh %K Geochronology; Limestone; Metals, Carbonate build-up; Carbonate complexes; Compressional strain; Continental blocks; Depositional setting; Paleomagnetic data; Regional tectonics; Tectonic movements, Carbonation