%T Development of some numerical methods applying complexity reduction approach for solving scientific problem %A M.K. Hasan %A J. Sulaiman %A S.A.A. Karim %A M. Othman %V 11 %P 1255-1260 %X The objective of this study was to describe numerical methods that apply complexity reduction approach to solve various scientific problems. Due to their low in complexity, their computations are faster than their standard form. Some of the methods have even higher in accuracy compared to their standard methods. In this study, we will describe the development of some of the methods that have been recently used to solve various scientific problems. © 2011 Asian Network for Scientific Information. %D 2011 %R 10.3923/jas.2011.1255.1260 %N 7 %O cited By 13 %J Journal of Applied Sciences %L scholars2177