%0 Journal Article %@ 15986446 %A Minh, V.T. %A Hashim, F.B.M. %D 2011 %F scholars:2057 %J International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems %K Adaptive controllers; Environmental uncertainty; Multiple models; Network-based; State observer; Teleoperation systems; Theoretical framework; Time forwad observer; Time forward observers; Time variant; Transparent performance, Controllers; Neural networks; Remote control, Adaptive control systems %N 3 %P 470-477 %R 10.1007/s12555-011-0306-0 %T Time forward observer based adaptive controller for a teleoperation system %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/2057/ %V 9 %X This paper presents a design of a teleoperation system using time forward observer-based adaptive controller. The controller is robust to the time-variant delays and the environmental uncertainties while assuring the stability and the transparent performance. A novel theoretical framework and algorithms for this teleoperation system have been built up with neural network-based multiple model control and time forward state observer. Conditions for stability and transparency performance are also investigated. © ICROS, KIEE and Springer 2011. %Z cited By 3