%I Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. %V 12 %A R. Mohanty %A D. Chatterjee %A S. Mohanty %A S. Shrivastava %A S.K. Dash %A S.P. Gautam %A K. Bingi %T Lower Output Voltage Harmonics With Optimum Switching Angles of Single PV-Source Based Reduced Switch Multilevel Inverter Using BWO Algorithm %P 5054-5065 %X This paper presents a technique of harmonic minimization from output voltage waveform of a reduced switch Multilevel Inverter (MLI) through an efficient bio inspired metaheuristic algorithm called Black widow optimization (BWO). The proposed reduced switch 13- level MLI scheme uses a single Photovoltaic (PV) source which can be suitable for grid integration. The proposed BWO algorithm minimizes the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of output voltage with low operational time compared to other existing nature based algorithms considering large searching area. The weighted THD (WTHD) of the output voltage is also minimized in order to reduce the effect of lower order harmonics from the output voltage in a greater extent. The convergence rate and level of accuracy of BWO algorithm is compared with two different bio inspired algorithms for justification. The MLI operation is carried out with fundamental frequency, minimizing the switching stress while lowering the power loss compared to PWM or Sinusoidal PWM switching schemes. A single PV panel with multi winding flyback converter is used for medium voltage application through reduced switch MLI, serving the purpose of both isolation and reduction of energy sources. Simulation and experimental analysis are carried out with online control technique using a three phase 13-level reduced MLI to validate the proposed concept on a practical system. © 2013 IEEE. %K DC-DC converters; Electric inverters; Harmonic distortion; Optimization; Pulse width modulation; Solar panels; Wave filters, Black widow optimization algorithm; Buck converters; Flyback converters; Modulation indexes; Multi Level Inverter (MLI); Multilevel inverter; Multilevels; Optimization algorithms; Reduced multilevel inverte; Total harmonic distortions, Harmonic analysis %R 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3349185 %D 2024 %J IEEE Access %L scholars20242 %O cited By 0