%A Z. Nizamani %A R.A. Soomro %A A. Nakayama %A M.O.A. Ali %D 2024 %O cited By 0; Conference of 1st International Conference on Emerging Smart Cities, ICESC 2022 ; Conference Date: 1 December 2022 Through 2 December 2022; Conference Code:306839 %X Flood is frequently occurring natural disaster and is among the most expensive in terms of individual lives and environmental impact. Identifying flood-prone locations is critical for formulating good flood control policies. The current study aims to provide an integrated framework for assessing flood susceptibility utilizing the GIS-AHP method for the Kuala Krai district in Kelantan state, Malaysia. Ten flood causative factors are considered for this study, such as (a) rainfall, (b) slope, (c) aspect, (d) curvature, (e) drainage density, (f) distance from the river, (g) land used and land covered (LULC), (h) soil map, (i) topographical wetness index (TWI), and (j) stream power index (SPI). A pairwise comparison matrix is built by Saaty's scale. In the Kuala Krai region, the rainfall and the slope cause more floods than others. The natural break Jackson method is used to classify the flood susceptible map into five classes: very high, high, moderate, low, and very low. The northern and southern regions of Kuala Krai are very high and highly susceptible to flooding. © 2024, Institute of Technology PETRONAS Sdn Bhd. %K Disasters; Environmental impact; Flood control; Floods; Geographic information systems; Hierarchical systems; Land use; Rain, 'current; AHP; Causative factor; Control policy; Flood susceptibility; Geographic information system and remote sensing; Integrated frameworks; Natural disasters; Remote-sensing; Susceptibility mapping, Remote sensing %L scholars20190 %R 10.1007/978-981-99-1111-0₅ %V 324 %T Flood Susceptibility Mapping Using GIS-AHP of Kuala Krai %J Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering %P 51-61