%0 Journal Article %@ 12268372 %A Omar, R. %A Abdullah, M.A. %A Hasan, M.A. %A Marziah, M. %A Siti Mazlina, M.K. %D 2005 %F scholars:20 %I Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering %J Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering %K ammonia; nitrate; phosphate; triterpenoid, article; cell growth; cell suspension; Centella asiatica; chemical interaction; concentration (parameters); controlled study; data analysis; dry weight; experimental design; macronutrient; nonhuman; pH; plant cell culture; plant nutrient; prediction; response surface method, Centella asiatica %N 3 %P 192-197 %R 10.1007/BF02932012 %T Optimization and elucidation of interactions between ammonium, nitrate and phosphate in Centella asiatica cell culture using response surface methodology %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/20/ %V 10 %X The effects of macronutrients (NO3-, NH4+ and PO43-) on cell growth and triterpenoids production in Centella asiatica cell suspension cultures were analyzed using the Box-Behnken response surface model experimental design. In screening and optimization experiments, PO43- as a single factor significantly influenced cell growth where increasing the phosphate level from 0.1 to 2.4 or 2.6 mM, elevated cell growth from 3.9 to 14-16 g/L. The optimum values predicted from the response surface model are 5.05 mM NH4 +, 15.0 mM NO3- and 2.6 mM PO43-, yielding 16.0 g/L cell dry weight with 99 fitness to the experimental data. While the NH4 +-NO3- interaction influenced cell growth positively in the optimization experiment, NH4 + and NO3- as single factors; and interactions of NO3--PO43-, NH4+-PO43- and NH4+-NO3- were all negative in the screening experiment. Cell growth and the final pH level were positively affected by PO43-, but negatively affected by NH4+ and NH4 +-PO43- interactions. The different effects of factors and their interactions on cell growth and final pH are influenced by a broad or narrow range of macronutrient concentrations. The productions of triterpenoids however were lower than 4 mg/g cell dry weight. © KSBB. %Z cited By 14