%D 2024 %A I.A. Ja'e %A R.A.N.B. Raja Sazrin %A A. Syamsir %A N. Bheel %A C.V. Amaechi %A T.H. Min %A V. Anggraini %X Although Basalt fibre reinforced concrete (BFRC) has a proven record of outstanding behaviour, concerns regarding the decline in its performance beyond certain content remains a major concern. To address this concern, a varying content of Silica Fume (SF) was introduced into the BFRC mix, and their combined influence on concrete's mechanical and impact resistance was investigated using experimental and Response Surface Analysis (RSA). Using regression models developed from experimental results, 13 responses of statistically designed experiments were predicted. The findings revealed significant improvement in the concrete performance with increases between 28 and 65 in compressive strength, 35�107 in split tensile strength, 11�46 in flexural strength and 117�150 in the impact resistance. Therefore, appropriate proportions of BF and SF can be utilised as an eco-friendly sustainable material in concrete. © 2024 The Authors %O cited By 0 %L scholars19840 %K Basalt; Compressive strength; Fiber reinforced materials; Regression analysis; Reinforced concrete; Silica fume; Surface analysis, Basalt fiber; Basalt fiber reinforced concretes; Energy; Mechanical; Mechanical impacts; Optimisations; Performance; Response surface; Response surface analysis; Surface assessment, Tensile strength %R 10.1016/j.dibe.2024.100368 %V 17 %T Optimisation of mechanical properties and impact resistance of basalt fibre reinforced concrete containing silica fume: Experimental and response surface assessment %J Developments in the Built Environment