%K Crystallinity; Crystallite size; Decomposition; Microporosity; Pore size, Carbonisation; Carbonization temperatures; Coconut shell char; Coconut shells; Crystalline properties; Crystallinity index; Mesoporous; Micro-structural properties; Micropore volumes; Surface area, Carbonization %O cited By 0 %X The present work focuses on the synthesis of inactive mesoporous char using the carbonization method. The experiment was conducted at various conditions using a constant flow of nitrogen gas with variable temperature ramp and carbonization temperature i.e., 5 °C /min to 20 °C /min and 400 °C to 800 °C respectively. The product was identified by calculating its surface area, pore size, micro strain, interplanar spacing, packing density, full-width half maximum, crystallite size, lateral size, no of layers, dislocation density, crystallinity index, and morphological characterization. It was revealed that the best results in terms of surface area, pore size, micropore volume, and burn-off value of the char were observed at a carbonization temperature of 700 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The calculated values of surface area, pore size, micropore volume, and burn-off were found to be 211.816 m2/g, 2.288 nm, 0.121 cm3/g, and 20.2 respectively. © 2023 Elsevier B.V. %V 1300 %L scholars19799 %D 2024 %T Role of carbonization parameters on surface and microstructural and crystalline properties of mesoporous coconut shell char: Quantitative and structural study %A Z.U. Nisa %A L.K. Chuan %A B.H. Guan %A F. Ahmad %A S. Ayub %J Journal of Molecular Structure %R 10.1016/j.molstruc.2023.137243