%0 Journal Article %A Aliyu, A.A. %A Abdul-Rani, A.M. %A Al-Amin, M. %A Hastuty, S. %A Razak, M.A. %A Ali, S. %A Danish, M. %A Rubaiee, S. %A Bin Mahfouz, A. %A Hamza, A.N. %D 2023 %F scholars:19385 %J Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik %K Biomimetics; Coatings; Energy dispersive spectroscopy; Glass; Hydroxyapatite; Mechanical stability; Metal implants; Metallic glass; Surface chemistry; Titanium oxides; Topography; Wear resistance; Zirconium compounds, (metallic) glass; Bulk metallic glass; Coating process; Electro-discharge coating; Electrodischarges; Glass surfaces; Implant; Nano-porous; Oxide layer; Titania, Scanning electron microscopy %N 1 %P 129-136 %R 10.1002/mawe.202200044 %T Deposition of biomimetic biocompatible oxides on metallic glass surface by electro-discharge coating process Abscheidung biomimetischer biokompatibler Oxide auf metallischen Glasoberflächen durch elektrische Entladungsbeschichtung %U https://khub.utp.edu.my/scholars/19385/ %V 54 %X Bulk metallic glass demonstrates superior mechanical properties and excellent bio-mechanical stability compared to routinely used biomaterials like titanium, cobalt-chromium, stainless steel, et cetera. However, the metallic glass surface do not easily adhere to the leaving tissues due to native bio-inert oxide layer, which have poor wear resistance and low hardness. In this current study an innovative method for surface coating of bulk metallic glass by mixing hydroxyapatite powder during electro-discharge machining has been employed. A biomimetic nano-porous bio-ceramic layer of oxides and carbides was deposited on metallic glass surface. The modified surface integrity and composition were investigated by scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction characterization techniques. The characterization results confirmed the formation of a natural bone-like nano-porous surface topography on the metallic glass surface using a novel hydroxyapatite-mixed electro-discharge coating process. In addition, a favourable surface chemistry in the form of bioceramic carbides (zirconium carbide, titanium carbide) and zirconium oxide layers, was achieved. © 2023 Wiley-VCH GmbH. %Z cited By 1