%K Collaborative workspace; Fnger input propertiess; Interactive elements; Interactive tabletop; Multi-touch; precise selection; Research activities; research design; Research designs; Small size; Users access, Design; Display devices; Information technology; User interfaces, Research %P 150-155 %O cited By 1; Conference of 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies, ICICT 2011 ; Conference Date: 23 July 2011 Through 24 July 2011; Conference Code:86498 %C Karachi %X Interactive tabletop display provides a collaborative workspace to users around a table. Users sit in front of each other and they perform direct and collaborative multi-touch interaction simultaneously. Users access the interactive elements using their bare fingers. The finger works as a pointer device, and it has direct relation with the size, shape, and configuration of the interactive elements on sensitive displays. It is found that there is lack of precise selection of small size interactive elements owing to users' fat fingers. In this regard, it is aimed to propose a research design to evaluate the finger input properties in the context of imprecise selection. However, proposed research design consists of various phases that help to carry out the different research activities to evaluate finger input properties accordingly. It assists in investigating the factors that may cause the imprecise selection in the direct multi-touch input. © 2011 IEEE. %D 2011 %L scholars1902 %T Research design for evaluation of finger input properties on multi-touch screen %A Ahsanullah %A A.K.B. Mahmood %A S. Sulaiman %A M. Khan %J ICICT 2011 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies %R 10.1109/ICICT.2011.5983553