%P 264-269 %R 10.1049/icp.2023.1790 %V 2023 %T Computational Algorithm for Gait Analysis of Acetabular Dysplasia %J IET Conference Proceedings %X Acetabular dysplasia associated with Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is an orthopedic disease featuring instability of the hip joint due to shallow acetabulum. Various reduction techniques have been adopted in the clinical field to treat DDH patients. However, the postoperative state of recovery for children and adolescent patients is lacking in the literature. This study aimed to investigate gait deviations between treated DDH patients and healthy controls within 8 to 18 years old through gait analysis by developing and using computational algorithms. An Inertial Motion Capture (IMC) system known as Xsens MVN was used in the gait experiments. Temporospatial and kinematic parameters were computed using a customized algorithms which were fed in the inertial sensor data. Statistical analysis using independent samples t-test was performed in SPSS software. The results demonstrated significantly lower gait speed, larger maximum hip adduction angle and larger maximum hip internal rotation angle in the treated DDH patient group with p-values less than 0.05. © The Institution of Engineering & Technology 2023. %O cited By 0; Conference of 2023 International Conference on Green Energy, Computing and Intelligent Technology, GEn-CITy 2023 ; Conference Date: 10 July 2023 Through 12 July 2023; Conference Code:195673 %L scholars19009 %K Patient rehabilitation; Patient treatment; Software testing, Children and adolescents; Computational algorithm; Developmental dysplasia of the hip; Healthy controls; Hip joints; Inertial motion captures; Motion capture system; Orthopedic disease; Patient control; Reduction techniques, Gait analysis %D 2023 %A E. Natarajan %A O.H. Tze %A Kevinkumar %A I. Elamvazuthi %A M.F.M. Aslam %A A.S. Naicker %A N. Ainarappan %A C.K. Ang %N 11