%P 57-74 %J International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives %T INTEGRATION OF LINEAMENT AND STRAIN ANALYSIS TO ASSESS LANDSLIDE VULNERABILITY ALONG TAIPING TO IPOH HIGHWAY, MALAYSIA %V 48 %R 10.5194/isprs-archives-XLVIII-4-W6-2022-57-2023 %L scholars18815 %K 'current; Deformation analysis; Fry strain; Highway; Lineament; Lineament analysis; Lower density; Malaysia; Strain analysis; Strain deformation, Landslides %X The overall tectonics of a terrain and landslide occurrences can be controlled using lineament analysis. In addition, understanding the deformational characteristics of the rocks in question cannot be overemphasized. The current work was carried out along Taiping to Ipoh stretch of the North - South PLUS Highway Malaysia and its environs to assess landslide vulnerability via lineaments and strain deformation analysis. Approximately 73 km stretch of the road was analysed. Classification of about 197 lineaments was done from very high to very low density classes applying class break procedures to signify their respective risk zones. Fry strain analysis method was then integrated by digitizing the centre of the grains from which reference lines angles and axial ratios of 16 photomicrographs of various lithologies obtained from field investigations were used to understand their strain deformational pattern. The lineament intersection point map shows its concordance with the strain ellipsoid. The major trend of the lineaments and fry strain ellipsoid were both found to be trending NE-SW. Congruity between the lineaments intersection density and the flattened higher degree of strain signified a risk prone zone and probable landslide trigger along the highway. Copyright © 2023 I. Bello Yamusa. %O cited By 0; Conference of 2022 Geoinformation Week: Broadening Geospatial Science and Technology ; Conference Date: 14 November 2022 Through 17 November 2022; Conference Code:186733 %N 4/W6-2 %D 2023 %A I.B. Yamusa %A M.S. Ismail